English Vocab

01) prelude (Adj) –

Meaning: An action or event serving as an introduction to something more important

Synonyms: preliminary, curtain-raiser, beginning

Antonyms: ending, finale, finish

Usage: What we really fear is that this is a prelude to other demands.


02) crucified (noun) –

Meaning: Browbeat, destroy with words; To criticize (someone) severely and unrelentingly;

Synonyms: harrow, torment, agonise, execute, kill, martyr, condemn, arraign, attack

Antonyms: aid, compliment, exalt, help

Usage: He tortured him, shot him and crucified him.


03) delinquent (adj) –

Meaning: Tending to commit crime; Having the characteristic of being troublesome or unruly; unpaid outstanding owing unsettled

Synonyms: criminal, lawbreaking, lawless, disturbed, intractable, intransigent, unpaid, outstanding, owing, unsettled

Antonyms: conformist, well, behaved, obedient, diligent, attentive, careful

Usage:  The legendary principal slapped the delinquent student hard.


04) vignette (verb) –

Meaning: A vivid depiction or representation of someone or something in art or literature

Synonyms: sketch, portrait, depiction, column, paper, discourse

Antonyms: concealment, misrepresentation

Usage: In the din as well as the deathly silence to mark a year since the reorganisation of the State of Jammu and Kashmir and the abrogation of its special status, another anniversary — almost a historical vignette today — has, not surprisingly, been forgotten.


05) din (verb) –

Meaning: A loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise

Synonyms: sound, noise, racket, lash, commotion, crash

Antonyms: quiet, silence, peace, quietness

Usage: In the din as well as the deathly silence to mark a year since the reorganisation of the State of Jammu and Kashmir and the abrogation of its special status, another anniversary — almost a historical vignette today — has, not surprisingly, been forgotten.


06) Farce(Adj) –

Meaning:  An event or situation that is absurd or disorganized; Something that is, or the state of being, significantly ridiculous;

Synonyms: absurdity, folly, stupidity, joke, mockery, sham, travesty

Antonyms: seriousness, sobriety, solemnity,prudence, reasonableness

Usage:  He took a last look at the shaded green garden and left, whistling in an off key an untuneful air from a roofless farce comedy.


07) hauteur(adj) –

Meaning: The quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner;

Synonyms: admiration, respect, esteem,haughtiness, arrogance, loftiness, pride, superciliousness

Antonyms: humility, modesty, unassumingness

Usage: To her finer qualities must be added a quick temper and considerable hauteur, more readily apparent to the Chinese than to most foreigners.


08) Sermonise(verb) –

Meaning: Utter or deliver words in a rhetorical or impassioned way, as if to an audience; Speak to a formal gathering

Synonyms: address, lecture, discourse, preach, admonish, edify,evangelise

Antonyms:abridge, agree, compress

Usage:This is not the time, he says, to stir up anti-American sentiments, or sermonise over US foreign policy.


09) Nostrum(Adj) –

Meaning:  A scheme or remedy for bringing about some social or political reform or improvement; A medicine prepared by an unqualified person, especially one that is not considered effective

Synonyms:cure-all, elixir, panacea, cure, remedy, answer, prescription

Antonyms: disease, injury, hurt

Usage:  This sounds like the pitch for a nineteenth-century patent medical nostrum.


10) Rankle(Adj) –

Meaning: To cause to become angry; To feel or express great anger

Synonyms: fume, seethe, rage,exasperate, upset, vex

Antonyms: delight, gratify, please

Usage; The issues they raise often have their roots in the past and yet continue to rankle.

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