English Vocab

1) Perilous (Adjective) – खतरे या जोखिम से भरा हुआ
Meaning: full of danger or risk.
Synonyms: dangerous, fraught with danger
Antonyms: safe, secure
Usage: “a perilous journey south”

2) Shamble (Verb) – भद्दी चाल
Meaning: move with a slow, shuffling, awkward gait.
Synonyms: shuffle, lumber, totter
Antonyms: run, sprint, bound
Usage: “he shambled off down the corridor”

3) Desperation (Noun) – निराशा
Meaning: a state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behaviour.
Synonyms: hopelessness, despair, distress
Antonyms: hope, hopefulness, advantage
Usage: “she wrote to him in desperation”

4) Flouting (Verb) – खुलेआम अवहेलना करना
Meaning: openly disregard (a rule, law, or convention).
Synonyms: defy, refuse to obey, go against
Antonyms: observe
Usage: “the advertising code is being flouted”

5) Replenish (Verb) – पुनःपूर्ति करना
Meaning: fill (something) up again.
Synonyms: refill, top up, fill up
Antonyms: empty
Usage: “he replenished Justin’s glass with mineral water”

6) Reimburse (Verb) – प्रतिपूर्ति करना
Meaning: repay (a person who has spent or lost money).
Synonyms: compensate, recompense, refund
Antonyms: damage, deprive, lose
Usage: “the investors should be reimbursed for their losses”

7) Indelicate (Adjective) – संवेदनशील समझ या चातुर्य की कमी होना
Meaning: having or showing a lack of sensitive understanding or tact.
Synonyms: insensitive, tactless, undiplomatic
Antonyms: tactful
Usage: “forgive me asking an indelicate question, but how are you off for money?”

8) Deferring (Verb) – स्थगित करना या टालना
Meaning: put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.
Synonyms: postpone, put off, adjourn
Antonyms: abbreviating, advancing
Usage: “they deferred the decision until February”

9) Abdicating (Verb) – त्यागना
Meaning: fail to fulfil or undertake (a responsibility or duty).
Synonyms: disown, turn down, spurn
Antonyms: accept, take on
Usage: “the government was accused of abdicating its responsibility”

10) Resorted (Verb) – सहारा लेना  
Meaning: turn to and adopt as to resolve a difficult situation.
Synonyms: use, utilize, avail oneself of
Antonyms: abstained, avoided, broke
Usage: “the duke was prepared to resort to force if negotiation failed”

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