INCHOATE (adjective) : असम्पूर्ण
Meaning: just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary.
अर्थ: अभी शुरू हुआ और इसलिए पूरी तरह से गठित या विकसित नहीं हुआ; अल्पविकसित।
Synonyms: budding, inceptive, incipient, nascent.
Antonyms: developed, full-fledged, evolved, ripened.
Sentence: If only you could come up with a complete plan and not just an inchoate idea!
DIMINUTION (Noun) : अवनति
Meaning: a reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something.
अर्थ: किसी चीज के आकार, सीमा या महत्व में कमी।
Synonyms: curtailment, contraction, constriction, restriction, limitation
Antonyms: increase, expansion, growth
Sentence: The diminution of cafeteria monitors has resulted in an increase in food fights at the high school.
CONDIGN (adjective) : अनुरूप
Meaning: appropriate to the crime or wrongdoing; fitting and deserved.
अर्थ: अपराध या अधर्म के लिए उपयुक्त; फिटिंग और योग्य।
Synonyms: earned, merited, warranted, justified.
Antonyms: undeserved, undue, unfair, unjust.
Sentence: Condign punishment was rare when the criminal was a man of high social standing.
RELENT (verb) : नरम पड़ना
Meaning: to cease resistance (as to another’s arguments, demands, or control).
अर्थ: प्रतिरोध को रोकना (दूसरे के तर्क, मांग या नियंत्रण के अनुसार)।
Synonyms: concede, give in, submit, succumb.
Antonyms: combat, confront, counter, defy.
Sentence: Because my mother is very angry, she won’t relent on my severe punishment.
ABOMINATE (Verb) : घृणा करना
Meaning: to hate something very much
अर्थ: किसी चीज से बहुत अधिक घृणा करना
Synonyms: abhor, despise
Antonyms: love, like
Sentence: They abominated the idea of red tapism.
Malapert (adjective) : गुस्ताख़
Meaning: boldly disrespectful; impudent.
अर्थ: साहसपूर्वक अनादर।
Synonym: impertinent, cheeky, rude, brazen.
Antonyms: courteous, humble, modest, polite.
Sentence: In a fury, she said that he was too malapert to give her such an answer, and affirmed that both he and they should repent it.
Rambunctious (adjective) : हुल्लड़बाज़
Meaning: uncontrolled in a way that is playful or full of energy
अर्थ: एक तरह से अनियंत्रित जो चंचल या ऊर्जा से भरा है
Synonym: hell-raising, knockabout, boisterous, unruly.
Antonym: noiseless, peaceful, placid, quiet.
Sentence: Our new puppy turned out to be more rambunctious than we bargained for.
Banter (noun) : मज़ाक
Meaning: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
अर्थ: चिढ़ाने वाली टिप्पणियों का चंचल और मैत्रीपूर्ण आदान-प्रदान।
Synonym: wisecracks, crosstalk, wordplay, ribbing.
Antonym: flattery, praise, work
Sentence: If the banter between the award presenters is not exciting, no one will watch the show.
Abstemious (adjective) : संयमी
Meaning: indulging only very moderately in something, especially food and drink.
अर्थ: किसी चीज में बहुत संयमपूर्वक भोजन करना, विशेष रूप से भोजन और पेय।
Synonym: temperate, abstinent, austere, moderate.
Antonym: self-indulgent, intemperate, rapacious, voracious.
Sentence: Although my husband is normally abstemious with his money, he will buy a ticket to a football game in a minute.
Meaning: just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary.
अर्थ: अभी शुरू हुआ और इसलिए पूरी तरह से गठित या विकसित नहीं हुआ; अल्पविकसित।
Synonyms: budding, inceptive, incipient, nascent.
Antonyms: developed, full-fledged, evolved, ripened.
Sentence: If only you could come up with a complete plan and not just an inchoate idea!
DIMINUTION (Noun) : अवनति
Meaning: a reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something.
अर्थ: किसी चीज के आकार, सीमा या महत्व में कमी।
Synonyms: curtailment, contraction, constriction, restriction, limitation
Antonyms: increase, expansion, growth
Sentence: The diminution of cafeteria monitors has resulted in an increase in food fights at the high school.
CONDIGN (adjective) : अनुरूप
Meaning: appropriate to the crime or wrongdoing; fitting and deserved.
अर्थ: अपराध या अधर्म के लिए उपयुक्त; फिटिंग और योग्य।
Synonyms: earned, merited, warranted, justified.
Antonyms: undeserved, undue, unfair, unjust.
Sentence: Condign punishment was rare when the criminal was a man of high social standing.
RELENT (verb) : नरम पड़ना
Meaning: to cease resistance (as to another’s arguments, demands, or control).
अर्थ: प्रतिरोध को रोकना (दूसरे के तर्क, मांग या नियंत्रण के अनुसार)।
Synonyms: concede, give in, submit, succumb.
Antonyms: combat, confront, counter, defy.
Sentence: Because my mother is very angry, she won’t relent on my severe punishment.
ABOMINATE (Verb) : घृणा करना
Meaning: to hate something very much
अर्थ: किसी चीज से बहुत अधिक घृणा करना
Synonyms: abhor, despise
Antonyms: love, like
Sentence: They abominated the idea of red tapism.
Malapert (adjective) : गुस्ताख़
Meaning: boldly disrespectful; impudent.
अर्थ: साहसपूर्वक अनादर।
Synonym: impertinent, cheeky, rude, brazen.
Antonyms: courteous, humble, modest, polite.
Sentence: In a fury, she said that he was too malapert to give her such an answer, and affirmed that both he and they should repent it.
Rambunctious (adjective) : हुल्लड़बाज़
Meaning: uncontrolled in a way that is playful or full of energy
अर्थ: एक तरह से अनियंत्रित जो चंचल या ऊर्जा से भरा है
Synonym: hell-raising, knockabout, boisterous, unruly.
Antonym: noiseless, peaceful, placid, quiet.
Sentence: Our new puppy turned out to be more rambunctious than we bargained for.
Banter (noun) : मज़ाक
Meaning: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
अर्थ: चिढ़ाने वाली टिप्पणियों का चंचल और मैत्रीपूर्ण आदान-प्रदान।
Synonym: wisecracks, crosstalk, wordplay, ribbing.
Antonym: flattery, praise, work
Sentence: If the banter between the award presenters is not exciting, no one will watch the show.
Abstemious (adjective) : संयमी
Meaning: indulging only very moderately in something, especially food and drink.
अर्थ: किसी चीज में बहुत संयमपूर्वक भोजन करना, विशेष रूप से भोजन और पेय।
Synonym: temperate, abstinent, austere, moderate.
Antonym: self-indulgent, intemperate, rapacious, voracious.
Sentence: Although my husband is normally abstemious with his money, he will buy a ticket to a football game in a minute.