English Vocab

1. PEREMPTORY (adjective) अनुपेक्षणीय
Meaning: insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in a brusquely imperious way.

Synonym: high-handed, brisk, commanding, authoritative.
Antonym: humble, meek, modest, unassuming.
Usage: The general gave the troops a peremptory order they had to obey.

2. ENNUI (noun) विरक्ति
Meaning: a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.
Synonym: boredom, tedium, listlessness.
Antonym: animation, contentment.
Usage: Listening to your dull story about becoming a librarian is leaving me in a state of ennui.

3. WILY (adjective) चतुर
Meaning: skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully.
Synonym: shrewd, clever, astute, canny.
Antonym: naive, guileless
Sentence: Unfortunately the young chess player was no match for the wily man who had been playing the game for over thirty-five years.

4. TREPIDATION (noun) घबराहट
Meaning: a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen.
Synonyms: fear, apprehension, dread, fearfulness.
Antonyms: contentment, bravery, happiness, delight.
Usage: As the earthquake bared down, I was overpowered with trepidation.

5. LEAVEN (verb) संशोधित
Meaning: permeate and modify or transform (something) for the better.
Synonyms: permeate, pervade, transform, modify.
Antonyms: depress, relegate, demote, slash.
Usage: One should always try to leaven one’s knowledge.

6. NAB (verb) पकड़ लेना
Meaning: catch (someone) doing something wrong.
Synonyms: seize, apprehend, arrest, restrain.
Antonyms: emancipate, free, liberate, unchain.
Usage: A bank robber was nabbed because he made the classic mistake of returning to the scene of the crime.

7. BAGATELLE (noun) नगण्य
Meaning: a thing regarded as too unimportant or easy to be worth much consideration.
Synonyms: trifle, frippery, picayune, gimcrack.
Antonyms: worth, gargantuan.
Usage: The question of who will pick up the coffee is a mere bagatelle in the overall planning of the conference.

8. BEWAIL (verb) विलाप करना
Meaning: express great regret, sadness, or disappointment about (something).
Synonyms: bemoan, deplore, lament, mourn.
Antonyms: cheer, laugh, smile, rejoice.
Usage: He invariably spends more time bewailing his predicament than trying to fix it.

9. BREVIARY (noun) आह्निका
Meaning: a short statement of the main points.
Synonyms: summary, conspectus, encapsulation, outline.
Antonyms: enlargement, expansion, supplement, amplification.
Usage: The Second Vatican Council revised the Breviary and changed its name to Liturgy of the Hours.

10. CULLING (verb) चुनाव करना
Meaning: select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources.
Synonyms: elect, select, choose, pick.
Antonyms: reject, disapprove, repudiate, spurn.
Usage: In nine months, we as a group, tracked an unknown number of missing children, culling out two hundred and eleven Howie attempted to locate.

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