1. FARE (verb) सफल रहना
Meaning: perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period.
Synonyms: proceed, progress, manage, cope.
Antonyms: cease, regress, suppress, retard.
Usage: We'll also give you exclusive analysis of how each team fared over the weekend.
2. ADJUDICATION (noun) न्यायिक निर्णय
Meaning: a formal judgment on a disputed matter.
Synonyms: arbitration, decision, assessment, verdict.
Antonyms: incomprehension, indecision, enigma, amnesty.
Usage: Articles 5 and 6 both deal with the promptness with which an adjudication must proceed against criminal defendants.
3. DOWNRIGHT (adjective) सर्वथा
Meaning: (of something bad or unpleasant) utter; complete (used for emphasis).
Synonyms: total, absolute, thorough, perfect, sheer.
Antonyms: inadequate, incomplete, insufficient, unfinished.
Usage: It was downright bad marking that allowed Dermot Shields head past Larkin from six yards for the lead goal.
4. ACQUITTAL (noun) रिहाई
Meaning: a judgment or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged.
Synonyms: absolution, exoneration, exculpation, liberation.
Antonyms: conviction, accusation, incrimination, indictment.
Usage: Now the choice is go to trial on a felony assault charge and hope for an acquittal or plead guilty to a misdemeanor.
5. REMIT (verb) छोड़ना
Meaning: cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment).
Synonyms: revoke, repeal, rescind, abrogate.
Antonyms: heed, mark, note, object.
Usage: The judge refused to remit the young manʼs cavalier disregard for his pile of unpaid speeding tickets.
6. ACUMEN (noun) कुशाग्रता
Meaning: the ability to make good judgments and take quick decisions.
Synonyms: shrewdness, acuity, cleverness, smartness.
Antonyms: guilelessness, ingenuousness, artlessness, fatuity.
Usage: But generally I prefer policies that demonstrate a scintilla of common sense and financial acumen.
7. CONDIGN (adjective) अनुरूप
Meaning: (of punishment or retribution) appropriate to the crime or wrongdoing; fitting and deserved.
Synonyms: earned, merited, warranted, justifiable.
Antonyms: unjust, undue, unsuitable, unfair.
Usage: I may pity him, and even understand his motives, but a murderer is still deserving of condign punishment.
8. PERSUASION (noun) अनुनय
Meaning: a belief or set of beliefs, especially religious or political ones.
Synonyms: opinion, conviction, faith, view.
Antonyms: dissuasion, distrust, constraint, disbelief.
Usage: Political leaders and women of all political persuasions are expected to attend the commemorations.
9. EXEMPTION (noun) मुक्ति
Meaning: the action of freeing or state of being free from an obligation or liability imposed on others.
Synonyms: indemnity, exclusion, freedom, relief.
Antonyms: liability, accountability, obligation, responsibility.
Usage: If they get exemption from rent control law, their income would increase several times.
10. PLAUDIT (noun) प्रशंसा
Meaning: an expression of praise or approval.
Synonyms: acclamation, commendation, encomiums, accolades.
Antonyms: condemnation, criticism, vilification, admonition.
Usage: The film smoothly rides on its success, earning the plaudit of being one of the highest-ever grossers in the Malayalam film industry.
Meaning: perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period.
Synonyms: proceed, progress, manage, cope.
Antonyms: cease, regress, suppress, retard.
Usage: We'll also give you exclusive analysis of how each team fared over the weekend.
2. ADJUDICATION (noun) न्यायिक निर्णय
Meaning: a formal judgment on a disputed matter.
Synonyms: arbitration, decision, assessment, verdict.
Antonyms: incomprehension, indecision, enigma, amnesty.
Usage: Articles 5 and 6 both deal with the promptness with which an adjudication must proceed against criminal defendants.
3. DOWNRIGHT (adjective) सर्वथा
Meaning: (of something bad or unpleasant) utter; complete (used for emphasis).
Synonyms: total, absolute, thorough, perfect, sheer.
Antonyms: inadequate, incomplete, insufficient, unfinished.
Usage: It was downright bad marking that allowed Dermot Shields head past Larkin from six yards for the lead goal.
4. ACQUITTAL (noun) रिहाई
Meaning: a judgment or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged.
Synonyms: absolution, exoneration, exculpation, liberation.
Antonyms: conviction, accusation, incrimination, indictment.
Usage: Now the choice is go to trial on a felony assault charge and hope for an acquittal or plead guilty to a misdemeanor.
5. REMIT (verb) छोड़ना
Meaning: cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment).
Synonyms: revoke, repeal, rescind, abrogate.
Antonyms: heed, mark, note, object.
Usage: The judge refused to remit the young manʼs cavalier disregard for his pile of unpaid speeding tickets.
6. ACUMEN (noun) कुशाग्रता
Meaning: the ability to make good judgments and take quick decisions.
Synonyms: shrewdness, acuity, cleverness, smartness.
Antonyms: guilelessness, ingenuousness, artlessness, fatuity.
Usage: But generally I prefer policies that demonstrate a scintilla of common sense and financial acumen.
7. CONDIGN (adjective) अनुरूप
Meaning: (of punishment or retribution) appropriate to the crime or wrongdoing; fitting and deserved.
Synonyms: earned, merited, warranted, justifiable.
Antonyms: unjust, undue, unsuitable, unfair.
Usage: I may pity him, and even understand his motives, but a murderer is still deserving of condign punishment.
8. PERSUASION (noun) अनुनय
Meaning: a belief or set of beliefs, especially religious or political ones.
Synonyms: opinion, conviction, faith, view.
Antonyms: dissuasion, distrust, constraint, disbelief.
Usage: Political leaders and women of all political persuasions are expected to attend the commemorations.
9. EXEMPTION (noun) मुक्ति
Meaning: the action of freeing or state of being free from an obligation or liability imposed on others.
Synonyms: indemnity, exclusion, freedom, relief.
Antonyms: liability, accountability, obligation, responsibility.
Usage: If they get exemption from rent control law, their income would increase several times.
10. PLAUDIT (noun) प्रशंसा
Meaning: an expression of praise or approval.
Synonyms: acclamation, commendation, encomiums, accolades.
Antonyms: condemnation, criticism, vilification, admonition.
Usage: The film smoothly rides on its success, earning the plaudit of being one of the highest-ever grossers in the Malayalam film industry.