English Quiz : 09-02-2020

प्रश्न 1   Choose the correct synonym of the following word from the given options:

 (अ) Source
 (ब) Energy
 (स) Comfort
 (द) Joy

प्रश्न 2   Choose the appropriate synonym of the given word.

 (अ) pleasant
 (ब) gloomy
 (स) nice
 (द) cheerful

प्रश्न 3   Choose the correct synonym of the following word from the given option:

 (अ) prey
 (ब) pry
 (स) pray
 (द) revolt

प्रश्न 4   Which of the following is the synonym of POMPOUS ?
 (अ) Modest
 (ब) pretentious
 (स) Humble
 (द) Unaffected

प्रश्न 5   Which of the following is the synonym of PRIMITIVE ?
 (अ) Prehistoric
 (ब) Sophisticated
 (स) Refined
 (द) Modern

प्रश्न 6   Choose the appropriate synonym of the given word :

 (अ) Little
 (ब) Lowest
 (स) Wanting
 (द) Lack

प्रश्न 7   Choose the correct synonym of the following word from the options given :

 (अ) brave
 (ब) milksop
 (स) dashing
 (द) strong

प्रश्न 8   Which one of the following words means the same as ELEGANT ?
 (अ) Rough
 (ब) Severe
 (स) Graceful
 (द) Crude

प्रश्न 9   Choose the correct synonym of the following word from the options given below.

 (अ) Accept
 (ब) Accuse
 (स) Weaken
 (द) Challenge

Ⓒ 2019. JMS Classes Raisinghnagar
✆ 9667070111

Designed By : Satnam Gill