English Vocab

1. RESUSCITATE (verb) पुनर्जीवित
Meaning: make (something) active or vigorous again.
Synonym: revive, restore, regenerate, revitalize.
Antonym: repress, faint, suppress, weaken.
Usage: Her personal nurse phoned 911 for assistance and her bodyguard tried to resuscitate her.

2. SORDID (adjective) मैला
Meaning: dirty or squalid.
Synonym: filthy, muddy, grubby, shabby.
Antonym: immaculate, spotless, stainless, unsullied.
Usage: He managed to rise above the sordid streets upon which he grew up.

3. PAGAN (noun)  बुतपरस्त
Meaning: an individual who doesn’t follow one of the world’s main religions.
Synonyms: heathen, agnostic, heretic, apostate.
Antonyms: religious, devout, monotheistic, believer.
Usage: Because Todd is a pagan, he refuses to practice any of the major religions.

4. FRENZY (noun) सनक
Meaning: a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior.
Synonyms: hysteria, mania, delirium, agitation.
Antonyms: placidity, quietude, repose, restfulness.
Usage: The child had such a bad temper that he would often go into a frenzy when he didn’t get his way.

5. SPIKE (verb) सक्रिय करना
Meaning: to give life, vigor, or spirit to.
Synonyms: animate, brace, energize, invigorate.
Antonyms: deaden, dull, debilitate. enfeeble.
Usage: He spiked what otherwise would have been a dry economic lecture with some jokes and anecdotes.

6. SOMBRELY (adverb) गंभीरता से
Meaning: in a serious or gloomy way.
Synonyms: dusky, murky, obscurely, shadowy.
Antonyms: brightly, lucent, lucidly, luminously.
Usage: The door creaked and a rusty bell clanged sombrely in the distance.

7. SAGACITY (noun) बुद्धिमत्ता
Meaning:  ability to make good judgments and decisions.
Synonyms: discernment, insight, sapience, acumen.
Antonyms: folly, imbecility, witlessness, irrationality.
Usage: Even though his friends chose to go out and get into trouble, the young man had the sagacity to stay home and study.

8. BEEF (noun): उलाहना
Meaning: A complaint or grievance.
Synonyms: complaint, fuss, grievance, gripe.
Antonyms: commendation, plaudit, acclaim, applause.
Usage: My beef is the lack of communication that often fosters false expectations in patients, who then blame the local doctors when things turn out worse than they hoped.

9. SLEIGHT (noun) धूर्तता
Meaning: a clever often underhanded means to achieve an end.
Synonyms: gimmick, ploy, stratagem, wile.
Antonyms: doltishness, dullness, fatuity, obtuseness.
Usage: He must have employed some sophisticated sleight to con that wary couple out of their money.

10. Ally (noun) मित्र
Meaning: someone who helps and supports someone else.
Synonyms: abettor, fellow, supporter, sympathizer.
Antonyms: detractor, adversary, foe, opponent.
Usage: He is generally considered to be the prime minister's closest political ally.

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