English Quiz

प्रश्न 1   Replace the underlined part of the following sentence with one word from the options given below:
He is a child without parents.

 (अ) fatherless
 (ब) motherless
 (स) an orphan
 (द) an infant

प्रश्न 2   Replace the underlined part of the following sentence with one word from the given options:
His handwriting is not clear enough to be read.

 (अ) illiterate
 (ब) illegible
 (स) infallible
 (द) legible

प्रश्न 3   What does the word 'pre-war' means ?
 (अ) before the war
 (ब) after the war
 (स) during the war
 (द) between the war

प्रश्न 4   A remedy for all diseases.
 (अ) Panax
 (ब) Panacea
 (स) Palliative
 (द) Panache

प्रश्न 5   A person who studies the influence of heavenly bodies on human beings.
 (अ) Astronomer
 (ब) Astrologer
 (स) Ambassador
 (द) Chauffeur

प्रश्न 6   Replace the underlined part of the following sentence with one word from the following options:
This plate is liable to be easily broken.

 (अ) tough
 (ब) rough
 (स) delicate
 (द) brittle

प्रश्न 7   Killing of a new-born baby.
 (अ) genocide
 (ब) child-killer
 (स) infanticide
 (द) infant-murderer

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Designed By : Satnam Gill