English Quiz

प्रश्न 1   Choose the correct option for Negative to Assertive transformation for the sentence given :
No one can deny that she was pretty.

 (अ) Everybody did not deny, that she was not pretty.
 (ब) Everybody admits that she was pretty.
 (स) We found here pretty.
 (द) She was considered pretty by everybody.
प्रश्न 2   Choose the correct option for Assertive to Negative transformation for the sentence given :
As soon as he came he made objections.

 (अ) There was no other who made objections.
 (ब) None but he made objections.
 (स) No sooner did he come than he made objections.
 (द) No sooner had he made the objection, as he came.
प्रश्न 3   Which of the following is the most apt conversion from affirmative to negative ?
Everybody was present.

 (अ) All were present.
 (ब) No one were absent.
 (स) Nobody was absent.
 (द) All is absent.
प्रश्न 4   Choose the correct conversion from interrogative to assertive :
Was he not a hero to do such a deed ?

 (अ) He was not a hero to do such a deed.
 (ब) He was such a hero to do a deed.
 (स) Only a hero could do such a deed.
 (द) He was an absolute hero to do such a deed.
प्रश्न 5   Choose the correct interrogative of the following sentence from the given options : -
He is angry with her.

 (अ) Is he angry with her ?
 (ब) Isn't he angry with her ?
 (स) Wasn't he angry with her ?
 (द) Who isn't angry with her ?
प्रश्न 6   Change from assertive to negative :
The two brothers are like each other.

 (अ) The two brothers are not very unlike each other.
 (ब) The two brothers resemble each other.
 (स) The two brothers do not look like each other.
 (द) The two brothers are not unlikely like each other.
प्रश्न 7   Choose the correct assertive form of the following sentence from the given options :
Books are not available.

 (अ) Books are available.
 (ब) Books are always available.
 (स) Books were available.
 (द) Books must be available.
प्रश्न 8   Change from assertive to negative :
Everyone makes mistakes.

 (अ) Anyone can make mistakes.
 (ब) There is none who is mistake free.
 (स) No one is with mistakes.
 (द) There is no one who does not make mistakes.
प्रश्न 9   Choose the correct negative form of the following sentence from the given options :
He loves apples.

 (अ) Neither he loves apples.
 (ब) He doesn't love apples.
 (स) He may not love apples.
 (द) He not loves apples.
प्रश्न 10   Choose the correct indirect speech of the following sentence :
He said,“When did she arrive ?”

 (अ) He asked when she had arrived.
 (ब) He asked when had she arrived.
 (स) He asks when she had arrived.
 (द) He asked when she had arrived ?

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Designed By : Satnam Gill