English Vocab

Meaning: very bad
Synonyms: awful, horrible
Antonyms: good, great

Example: The pizza was so incredibly lousy that she wouldn’t even give it to her worst enemy.

Meaning: mocking and ridiculing
Synonyms: cheeky, scornful
Antonyms: polite, respectful

Example: The bully let out a derisive laugh when mocking his classmate’s nerdy glasses.

GUSSY(verb) सुशोभित
Meaning: to make someone or something look more attractive or impressive
Synonyms: adorn, beautify
Antonyms: deface, spoil

Example: The museum will put finishing touches on new exhibits and gussy up old ones in time for the grand reopening.

Meaning: Uncertainty; doubt
Synonyms: Confused, Suspicious
Antonyms: Assurance, Belief
Example: The incertitude of his position in life caused him to postpone his marriage.

COGNIZANCE(noun) हस्तक्षेप, संज्ञान 
Meaning: To take notice of and consider something, especially when judging
Synonyms: Awareness, Familiarity
Antonyms: Unfamiliar, Ignorance

Example: The lawyer asked the jury to take cognizance of the defendant's generosity in giving to charity.

AGGRIEVE(adjective)पीड़ा देना 
Meaning: To make someone unhappy and angry
Synonyms: Offend, Hurt
Antonyms: Please, Praise

Example: They were aggrieved by the continued chiefly control over land.

Meaning: to secure tightly
Synonyms: bind, band
Antonyms: unbind, untie

Example: Police said the couple had been trussed up and robbed before being shot.

VOLITANT(adjective)तेजी से उड़ना
Meaning: flying or moving about rapidly
Synonyms: floating, soaring
Antonyms: slow, grounded
Example: Volitant birds have taken over the beach and quickly fly about the area looking for food.

PLUNK(verb)लापरवाही से नीचे रखना
Meaning: to put something down heavily and carelessly
Synonyms: drop, dump
Antonyms: glob, incline
Example: After a long day at work, the exhausted mechanic plunked himself down on the couch and began flipping through the channels.

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