Reasoning Quiz

तार्किक क्षमता (रिजिनिंग) एक बड़ा अनुभाग है। प्रश्नों की बढ़ती जटिलता के साथ, इसे आसानी से पास करना  मुश्किल हो जाता है। Banking परीक्षाओं में इस विशेष अनुभाग में ग्रेड बनाने का एकमात्र तरीका अपने पूरे दिल और आत्मा के साथ लगातार अभ्यास करना है और आपको नवीनतम पैटर्न प्रश्नों के साथ अभ्यास करने प्रदान करने के लिए, यहां परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों के सटीक समान पैटर्न के आधार पर  रीज़निंग क्विज दी गयी है।

Directions (1-5): दी गयी जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिये और नीचे दिए गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:
सात तलों की एक इमारत में सात व्यक्ति रहते हैं , जहां भूतल की संख्या 1 है, और सबसे ऊपरी तल की संख्या 7 है। उनमें से प्रत्येक का जन्म जनवरी से शुरू होने वाले समान वर्ष की जुलाई तक अलग-अलग महीने में हुआ था।
केवल तीन व्यक्ति P के तल से ऊपर वाले तलों पर रहते हैं. जुलाई और अप्रैल में जन्म लेने वाले व्यक्तियों के मध्य केवल तीन व्यक्ति रहते हैं.  R उस तल पर रहता है, जो T के तल के ठीक नीचे है.  Q और तीसरे सबसे बड़े व्यक्ति , जो Q के नीचे वाले किसी तल पर रहता है, के मध्य केवल दो व्यक्ति रहते हैं . V का जन्म जनवरी में नहीं हुआ था. P और सबसे छोटे व्यक्ति के मध्य केवल एक व्यक्ति रहता है.  जून में जन्म लेने वाला व्यक्ति एक सम संख्या वाले तल पर रहता है. Q, उस तल के न तो ठीक ऊपर और न ही ठीक नीचे रहता है, जिस पर मई में जन्म लेने वाला व्यक्ति रहता है.  P ,S के न तो ठीक ऊपर और न ही ठीक नीचे रहता है.  जून में जन्म लेने वाला व्यक्ति उस तल के ठीक ऊपर रहता है जो जिस पर U रहता है.  V के ठीक ऊपर रहने वाले व्यक्ति का जन्म जुलाई में नहीं हुआ था .

Q1. निम्न में से किसका जन्म मई में हुआ था? 
(i)- Only three persons live above the floor on which P lives. Only one person lives between P and the youngest person i.e the person was born in July. Only three persons live between the persons who were born in July and April. The one who was born in June lives on an even numbered floor. The person who was born in the month of June lives on the floor which is immediately above the floor on which U lives. There are two possibilities-
(ii)- Only two persons live between Q and the third oldest person who was lives one of the floors below Q. R lives on the floor which is immediately below the floor on which T lives. Q neither lives immediately above nor lives immediately below the floor on which the person who was born in May lives. So, R was born in May. P does not live immediately above or immediately below S. The person who lives immediately above V was not born in July. By using these conditions case-2 will be eliminated. V was not born in January. Hence V was born in February and S was born in January. The final arrangement is-

Q2. V और सबसे छोटे व्यक्ति के मध्य कितने व्यक्ति रहते हैं? 
 कोई नहीं  
 तीन से अधिक  
(i)- Only three persons live above the floor on which P lives. Only one person lives between P and the youngest person i.e the person was born in July. Only three persons live between the persons who were born in July and April. The one who was born in June lives on an even numbered floor. The person who was born in the month of June lives on the floor which is immediately above the floor on which U lives. There are two possibilities-
(ii)- Only two persons live between Q and the third oldest person who was lives one of the floors below Q. R lives on the floor which is immediately below the floor on which T lives. Q neither lives immediately above nor lives immediately below the floor on which the person who was born in May lives. So, R was born in May. P does not live immediately above or immediately below S. The person who lives immediately above V was not born in July. By using these conditions case-2 will be eliminated. V was not born in January. Hence V was born in February and S was born in January. The final arrangement is-

Q3. निम्न में से कौन दूसरे तल पर रहता है? 
जिसका जन्म जून में हुआ था
 जिसका जन्म जुलाई में हुआ था
(i)- Only three persons live above the floor on which P lives. Only one person lives between P and the youngest person i.e the person was born in July. Only three persons live between the persons who were born in July and April. The one who was born in June lives on an even numbered floor. The person who was born in the month of June lives on the floor which is immediately above the floor on which U lives. There are two possibilities-
(ii)- Only two persons live between Q and the third oldest person who was lives one of the floors below Q. R lives on the floor which is immediately below the floor on which T lives. Q neither lives immediately above nor lives immediately below the floor on which the person who was born in May lives. So, R was born in May. P does not live immediately above or immediately below S. The person who lives immediately above V was not born in July. By using these conditions case-2 will be eliminated. V was not born in January. Hence V was born in February and S was born in January. The final arrangement is-

Q4. निम्न में से कौन जनवरी में जन्म लेने वाले व्यक्ति और U के ठीक मध्य में रहता है?
 जो पांचवें तल पर रहता है
 जिसका जन्म मई में हुआ था 
  जो छठे तल पर रहता है 
(i)- Only three persons live above the floor on which P lives. Only one person lives between P and the youngest person i.e the person was born in July. Only three persons live between the persons who were born in July and April. The one who was born in June lives on an even numbered floor. The person who was born in the month of June lives on the floor which is immediately above the floor on which U lives. There are two possibilities-
(ii)- Only two persons live between Q and the third oldest person who was lives one of the floors below Q. R lives on the floor which is immediately below the floor on which T lives. Q neither lives immediately above nor lives immediately below the floor on which the person who was born in May lives. So, R was born in May. P does not live immediately above or immediately below S. The person who lives immediately above V was not born in July. By using these conditions case-2 will be eliminated. V was not born in January. Hence V was born in February and S was born in January. The final arrangement is-

Q5.  U के संदर्भ में निम्न में से कौन सा कथन सत्य है ?
 U, P के ठीक ऊपर रहता है
 U तीसरी मंजिल पर रहता है
केवल एक व्यक्ति U और Q के बीच में रहता है
 U का जन्म जनवरी में हुआ था
 सभी सत्य हैं
(i)- Only three persons live above the floor on which P lives. Only one person lives between P and the youngest person i.e the person was born in July. Only three persons live between the persons who were born in July and April. The one who was born in June lives on an even numbered floor. The person who was born in the month of June lives on the floor which is immediately above the floor on which U lives. There are two possibilities-
(ii)- Only two persons live between Q and the third oldest person who was lives one of the floors below Q. R lives on the floor which is immediately below the floor on which T lives. Q neither lives immediately above nor lives immediately below the floor on which the person who was born in May lives. So, R was born in May. P does not live immediately above or immediately below S. The person who lives immediately above V was not born in July. By using these conditions case-2 will be eliminated. V was not born in January. Hence V was born in February and S was born in January. The final arrangement is-

Directions (6-10): दी गयी जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिये और नीचे दिए गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:

एक निश्चित कूटभाषा में, 

“Strong predict today source” का कूट “ ho mk uv ed” है
“Style trade Strong” का कूट “ ip mk sn” है
“today trade style” का कूट “ ip sn ed” है
“Trade source travel power” का कूट “sn wt uv tx” है

Q6. ‘predict’ के लिए क्या कूट है?

Q7. निम्न में से किसका कूट ‘ip sn’ है? 
Today Style
Source Trade
Style Trade
Trade Power
 निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता 

Q8. ‘trade life’ के लिए क्या कूट है?
ip bh
sn nj
wt sn
ed uv
sn uv

Q9. “predict source” के लिए क्या कूट है?
uv wt
mk ed
ho uv
uv ec
इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Q10. ‘Power’ के लिए क्या कूट है?
या तो  (a) या (c)

Directions (11-13): नीचे दिया गया प्रत्येक प्रश्न दी गयी जानकारी पर आधारित है :
A # B का अर्थ है कि  B, A के पूर्व में 1 मीटर पर है  
A $ B का अर्थ है कि  B, A के उत्तर में 1 मीटर पर है  
A * B का अर्थ है कि  B, A के पश्चिम में 1 मीटर पर है  
A @ B का अर्थ है कि  B, A के दक्षिण में 1 मीटर पर है  

Q11. यदि व्यंजक ‘P@R*Q@S#T’ सत्य है, तो P के सन्दर्भ में T कितनी दूरी और किस दिशा में है? 
2मी, उत्तर
3 मी, पश्चिम 
1 मी, दक्षिण
 2 मी, दक्षिण
 निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता

Q12. यदि व्यंजक ‘ K#L@M*N*O$P’ सत्य है, तो P के सन्दर्भ में M किस दिशा में है? 

Q13. कौन सा व्यंजक दर्शाता है कि ‘L, G के उत्तर पश्चिम में है’ ?
इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Directions (14-15): दी गयी जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिये और नीचे दिए गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:
एक व्यक्ति बिंदु A से उत्तर की ओर चलना शुरू करता है और 10 मी चलता है, फिर वह दायें मुड़ता है और 8 मी चलता है, यहाँ से वह उत्तर की ओर 6 मी चलता है और बिंदु B पर पहुँच जाता है. बिंदु  B से वह क्रमश: बाएं ओर 3 मी चलता है और दायें ओर 4 मी चलता है तथा बिंदु D पर पहुँच जाता है. बिंदु D से वह बाएं मुड़कर 12 मी चलता है और बाएं ओर मुड़ जाता है और अपने अंतिम बिंदु E पर पहुँचने के लिए 17 मी चलता है.

Q14. आरम्भिक और अंतिम बिंदु के मध्य न्यूनतम दूरी कितनी है? 
इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Q15. बिंदु A के संदर्भ में बिंदु D की दिशा क्या है?

Ⓒ 2019. JMS Classes Raisinghnagar
✆ 9667070111

Designed By : Satnam Gill