English Vocab

1.PERCOLATE (verb) प्रसारित हो जाना
Meaning: Spread gradually through an area or group of people.
Synonyms: disseminated, filter, pass, spread.
Antonyms: flood, pour, gush, surge.
Usage: I hope to visit some of these ideas that are now percolating with regard to the worship experiences of today.

2. DOWNTRODDEN (adjective) लताड़ा हुआ
Meaning: Oppressed or treated badly by people in power.
Synonyms: persecuted, exploited, repressed, tyrannized.
Antonyms: protected, respected, guarded, favored.
Usage: His claim to be a representative of the downtrodden masses is, of course, completely bogus.

3. USURIOUS (adjective) अति ब्याज
Meaning: rate of interest that is unfairly high.
Synonyms: avaricious, acquisitive, rapacious, covetous.
Antonyms: affordable, moderate, generous, undulating.
Usage: Can you lend to the poor without charging usurious interest?

4. BUDGE (verb) हटना
Meaning: Change an opinion.
Synonyms: retract, yield, acquiesce, compromise.
Antonyms: resist, object, confront, oppose.
Usage: That's why the bosses have so far been refusing to budge over the pay and conditions.

5. GRANULAR (adjective) दानेदार
Meaning: Resembling or consisting of small grains or particles.
Synonyms: powdery, grainy, gritty, sandy.
Antonyms: soft, fine, smooth, glossy.
Usage: In the dry state, granular soil particles can be easily separated and identified.

6. SCURRY (verb) जल्दी जल्दी दौड़ना
Meaning: (of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps.
Synonyms: scamper, scuttle, dash, rush.
Antonyms: amble, stroll, crawl, saunter.
Usage: We have come to see the tornado in all of its glory, not the ant-like humans that scurry about in its path.

7. CONTRAVENTION (noun) उल्लंघन
Meaning: An action which offends against a law, treaty, or other ruling.
Synonyms: breach, violation, infringement, transgression.
Antonyms: compliance, conformity, obedience, adoption.
Usage: These powers must be exercised on consideration of the likelihood of damage or distress caused by the contravention of the Act.

8. IMPERATIVE (adjective) अनिवार्य
Meaning: Of vital importance; crucial.
Synonyms: indispensable, exigent, essential, urgent.
Antonyms: negligible, insignificant, trivial, secondary.
Usage: It is imperative that couples should communicate in order to know the root of the conflict.

9. SALUTARY (adjective) लाभदायक
Meaning: (especially with reference to something unwelcome or unpleasant) producing good effects; beneficial.
Synonyms: profitable, productive, helpful, useful.
Antonyms: irrelevant, unprofitable, damaging, deleterious.
Usage: A rise in joblessness could cancel out the strong euro's salutary effect on consumer spending.

10. CONDIGN (adjective) अनुरूप
Meaning: appropriate to the crime or wrongdoing; fitting and deserved.
Synonyms: earned, merited, warranted, justified.
Antonyms: undeserved, undue, unfair, unjust.
Usage: Condign punishment was rare when the criminal was a man of high social standing.

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